Sunday, September 9, 2012

SharePoint Saturday Cape town

I presented at SharePoint Saturday Cape Town (#SPSCPT) on the 8 of September 2012.
it was an awesome experience and thanks again one and all for showing up...

here is link to the DEMO and slides

Bradley Chetty

Friday, March 16, 2012

How to enable logging on the FIM client in Sharepoint 2010


  1.  First of all navigate to the FIM MIISCLIENT folder on the server where the service is running ... c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\14.0\Synchronization Service\Bin
  2. Open the miiserver.exe.config in notepad
  3. add the following script after the  /runtime and before the /configuration

  4. >
  5. then save the file and RUN a FULL profile Sync.
  6. this will then create a log file ... be aware that the size of this file can GROW rather large ....
Done and dusted ... this will help you to troubleshoot errors begin thrown by the FIM client.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hi all.
while browsing around i came across a SharePoint eMagazine .....  :)

its worth a read .. :)
